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Rewild your mind with the help of the wild

Autumn Leaves

Explore Coaching Packages Here

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One-to-one life, career, and wellbeing coaching for people who feel a little lost in the fog

It’s okay to be lost in the fog for a bit. You just need a map to guide you out.


I know you work hard so you can help change the lives of others, improve the world we live in, or provide for yourself and your family. I know that you’re a leader or aspiring leader… but your self-care is on the back burner because “your problems are nowhere near as bad as others.”

You may have felt like you don’t have the right to feel bad, accept help, or invest in anything for yourself because someone else probably needs it more than you do.


I’m here to tell you that YOU are the person who needs this. Not others, you!

If you don’t look after yourself, how can you have the energy needed to provide for others? Your family, loved ones, and colleagues love it even more when you bring your contagious zest for life that only happens when you look after yourself.


You don’t have to do all this alone. You don’t have to force yourself to keep going through whatever career, life, or mindset struggle you’re experiencing right now.


As the popular rhyme goes: if you go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise.

The surprise is this…


When you set foot in the beautiful Little Seed Field in the North Yorkshire countryside, your stress, worries, and that dark fog taking up space in your mind will start to fizzle away.

You’ll realise that it’s okay to be lost for a little while. It’s a part of the adventure. All these things you’re feeling…


You’re allowed to feel them.


But you recognise that you need some guidance to let them go. You can accept yourself, foggy-ish feelings and all, with warmth and acceptance, and still accept you need to release those feelings.

Step into the woods with me for a combination of life, career, mindset, and well-being coaching and realise what it feels like to put yourself and your needs first. We work with your whole self here, not just the bits you think you need help with. 


By working on yourself, you’ll be changing the world. 


Less Woo, More You

You, me, the trees, and your mind get to spend 90-ish minutes together in a space that’s entirely free of structure, judgement, and uncomfortable silences. Focused on you and your needs, not the woo-stuff that people expect from nature practitioners.


You’ll find that the woods are a good holding space for you to learn about emotions and self-regulation of those trickier feelings that might not feel so good in your head. But don’t run away thinking I’m heavy on the woo-spiritual stuff – I use a combination of neuroscience, psychology, and traditional coaching modalities in our sessions.


No moonlight rituals or dancing in a circle – although I have been known to hug a tree or two in my time. Whatever your beliefs, they are welcome and you’ll always get research-backed psychological methods and strategies to help Rewild Your Mind…


Rewild Your Mind, definition:

  • To manage your autonomic nervous system and reduce all the exhausting, intense emotions you feel from needing to be “good enough.”

  • To develop a new way of thinking that reassures your subconscious that it’s okay to do this new thing or be this reimagined version of you. It’s okay to break through your too-comfy zone.


BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL  to explore more about coaching in nature. 


Who do I coach?

My experience and approach ensure that I can help you to understand your unique mind, whilst accepting that there are different lived experiences of each gender.


I’ve split up my one-to-one coaching by gender so that you get the right methods and approach to suit you.


One-to-one coaching for adult men


There hasn’t been enough space in systems and society for men like you. For men who think and feel deeply, who are thoughtful and considerate, but don’t know how to put these good qualities into action without feeling mentally and visibly awkward or anxious.


You’ve grown up surrounded by all these expectations about what it is to be a man and what “masculinity” is. They might not feel like you at all. You’ve had the odd space where you can share a snippet of the real you, but you’ve always had to force yourself back into the box of what society expects men to be.


But you find yourself hit with waves of uncertainty and self-scrutiny. You are dealing with states of anxiousness, stress, self-doubt or low mood and it often feels like you are alone in figuring it all out. 


Your life isn’t quite in the place you want it to be, either.  Nothing TOO MAJOR but some valuable tweaks to be had hear and there. Your situation is taking a toll on the way you feel, how you interact with loved ones, and how you show up to live your life. You might not even be truly living it in a way that feels good to you.


Gain the confidence to be yourself, work through & regulate some tricky feelings, and use this wave of self-confidence to be a better partner parent, colleague, or leader, and companion to yourself.  Find greater balance and affinity within you- Have a look at the one-to-one coaching packages for men below.


Coaching in, and with, Nature for men CLICK HERE



Man Walking in Fields
"I've grown up surrounded by expectations of what it is to be a man. They never felt like me. I wanted to do good, and be a good person and felt ashamed , uncomfortable most of my life. These sessions have given me the confidence to be myself and  gives me more time and energy for adventure... Having the sessions in nature was just great!" (D)

One-to-one coaching for adult women

You’ve tried 5 minutes of meditation and given up when you couldn’t sit still. You bought beautiful journals but they’re sitting in a pile on your bedside table gathering dust. You got into the habit of daily walks…until you were too busy at work to take a lunch break and so you promised yourself you’d take a break tomorrow.


All these ‘failed’ attempts at well-being habits are making you feel guilty. Guilt doesn’t motivate you to restart the habits, it makes you feel so rubbish that you think “f this, I’m not doing any of this wellness stuff!”


Add a stressful job, complex family relationships, or a traumatic situation to the mix…it’s no wonder you can’t prioritise self-care. 


Whether you want to:

  • Reclaim these parts of your life that you’ve lost and make more time for well-being, hobbies, and connection with loved ones

  • You’re experiencing grief and trauma that’s influencing every area of your life

  • You’re looking to make changes to your career so that you end the week feeling fulfilled and good about yourself, and not completely drained


A welcoming, supportive, and encouraging coaching space in Nature can give you the confidence and inspiration needed to start to change those things that aren’t bringing you happiness.


Because beyond the nerves and trepidation of trying coaching, for yourself. You’re excited about the idea of rebelling against the hustle and bustle. You’re excited about the thought of changing those areas of life that you know don’t serve you well. You like the idea of coaching in the neutral space of the woods – not sitting on a saggy sofa in a poorly lit office.


It’s the accountability, support, and encouragement to do the Thing that is missing.


Find out more about how coaching in nature can help you thrive. BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL  to explore more about coaching in nature. 


one-to-one coaching in nature for women

"I worked with JK on reframing beliefs I had built up that were no longer serving me, I could see clearly what is holding me back and how to build beliefs better aligned to my values and ambitions... I now see valuing my well-being as an essential part of being a leader and as being a parent" Bridget

Mother and Daughter
Autumn Leaves


Let's make sure we are a great fit!  To help take the next step. I offer a FREE discovery call, an informal, no obligation chat to answer any final questions you may have about coaching together and guide you through getting started. Discovery calls are offered via zoom or telephone. Books yours FREE today

Online Coaching 
Inspired by the wild


Working at home
School Field Trip

Change your Career - enhance your life!

JK_WTMG_221120_182 In Heather .jpg

Hello, I'm JK

I’ll be your coach and facilitator – alongside Nature, of course. I gently yet courageously challenge the idea of 'people pleasing' and ‘delusional optimism and toxic positivity’ that leads people to set unrealistic goalposts.​I help you to be compassionate and curious towards your personal circumstances, breaking away from the toxic positivity culture that can flood the well-being sector. ​Using a mixture of warmth, humour, and matter-of-fact directness, we’ll work together to create the changes you need to see so you can thrive.

Autumn Leaves

Explore Coaching Packages Here

Discover a range of coaching packages here 

Book a discovery call to chat more about your options 

Grow Together 
'Wild and Rooted' 
Couples life Coaching

Sunset Walk


Each week I send out a weekly newsletter with reflections on well-being, nature and living a purposeful and well-meaning life. Resources for re-wilding and re-balancing. 


With themes covering mental health, self-leadership & authenticity, resilience and climate. I also share offers and news with the 'wild' community too!

Looking for Team Stuff?

Where the Mind Grows offer a range of workplace well-being solutions 

Including team away days for well-being and development and individual career and wellness coaching for employee vitality and leadership. 

Discover more about workplace options here 

Autumn Leaves

Explore Coaching Packages Here

Discover a range of coaching packages here 

Book a discovery call to chat more about your options 

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